Mineral Analysis

Minerals are more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary minerals.
The following are required and used by the body in all metabolic processes. Namely: Calcium; Magnesium; Sodium; Potassium; Copper; Zinc; Manganese; Chromium; Vanadium; Molybdenum; Boron; Iodine; Lithium; Phosphorus; Selenium; Strontium; Sulphur; Cobalt; Iron; Germanium; Rubidium; and Zirconium.

A mineral analysis provides a time weighted analysis of elements found in the body unlike other light-spectrometer gadgets that are being promoted in this fashion. Hair tissue analysis provides essential information which, in conjunction with symptoms and other laboratory values, are capable of assisting one in the early diagnosis of physiological disorders that are associated with deviations in essential elements found in the body.

Will doing a Hair Mineral Analysis benefit you?

If the answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, then HTMA testing will provide you meaningful answers.

  • Are you unusually injury prone compared to others?
  • Have you been very slow or failed to fully recover following an exhausting event such as an Iron Man?
  • Have you finished treatment for a condition, such as breast cancer, but still feel tired and exhausted months, or even years later?
  • Do you know, or think you have adrenal and/or thyroid problems?
  • Have you gained weight and/or are you unable to lose any despite your best efforts?
  • Have you lost a lot of weight for no obvious reasons?
  • Do you feel unwell often?
  • Is your immune system weak or confused (think autoimmune)?
  • Have you failed to fully recover from a severe illness such as a virus (e.g.: Glandular Fever)?
  • Do you suffer allergies such as asthma and eczema, or food intolerances/sensitivities?
  • Do you seem to catch just about every infection doing the rounds?
  • Do you suffer period pains, PCOS, irregular periods, endometriosis, or fertility issues?
  • Do you suffer with mood disorders such as anxiety?
  • Have you any issues to do with anorexia or bulimia?
  • Are you often anaemic?
  • Do you suffer headaches or migraines?
  • Do you have digestion problems such as reflux, ulcers, nausea, constipation, IBS, Crohn’s, or leaky gut?
  • Is your hair, skin and nails weak, thin, brittle?
  • Do you bruise easily?
  • Are your bones weak (osteoporosis)?
  • Are your joints becoming arthritic?
  • Are you having trouble with your heart, circulation, or blood pressure?
  • Do you have an ailment for which there is no apparent cause or cure?
  • Do you suspect you may be poisoned, possibly many years ago, by a toxin such as mercury, lead or arsenic?
  • Are you in an occupation, or been in one, that may have exposed you to toxins?
  • Is your current treatment failing you?
  • Is your current medicine making you feel sick, rather than well?
  • Do you feel that you are merely treating the symptoms of ill health, or poor performance instead of the root causes?

Understanding and interpreting this data provides helpful information that offers the client a better understanding of underlying causes of their dis-ease. One is provided a better understanding of body chemistry, metabolism, and stress levels and provides a guide for targeted supplementation. It may be argued that the foundation of health lies in adequate mineral intake and ideal mineral ratios. If the results are understood properly, they could form the perfect basis of underlying control measures of various diseases.

For instance, the following are a few common sub-clinical symptoms of heavy metal toxicity alone, not-with-standing the repercussions of mineral imbalances in the body: fatigue, lethargy, adrenal problems, depression, thyroid issues, weight gain, blood sugar problems, anxiety, personality changes, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, reactivity to stress, addictions, schizophrenia, osteoporosis, risk of heart attack, hypoglycaemia, liver and kidney problems, digestive issues, inflammation, PMS, headaches, allergies, chronic infection, frequent colds, nervousness, sudden anger, sensitivity to perfume/odours, memory loss and joint pains and even skin problems. Recent evidence suggests increasing rates of asthma, allergies, cancers, and chronic viral infections.

It can also often identify serious health risks many years before they show up using other methods.

The effects are widespread: Neurological toxicity has been found to affect cognition, mood, and cause chronic neurological illnesses. Endocrine toxicity can affect reproduction, menses, libido, metabolism, stress-handling ability, glucose regulation and so forth. It is also evident that brain methylation inhibition occurs because of heavy metals. These metals affect the DNA, messenger RNA, mitochondria, enzymes, hormones, free radicals, and even the immune system.