Fatty Acid Profiling

The role of diet as an initiator of “Silent Inflammation”, and disease formation in the body, is extremely important. For instance, the quantity and type of dietary fat intake influences cellular membrane composition and lipid (fat) metabolism, which impacts cardiovascular disease (CVD), obesity, inflammation, neurological development, and a myriad of other bodily functions on a daily basis. It is important to note that the consumption of some types of fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids, provides health benefits, while others, such as saturated and trans fatty acids, can and do increase the risk of disease. Given this, an assessment of individual dietary and cellular fatty acids, is important because of their specific impact on biological processes in the body.

Important Summary

  • The accumulation of AA (Toxic Fat) results in:
    • Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease & Stroke.
    • Insulin resistance, which becomes Diabetes II.
    • Cancer.
    • Neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s; Depression; ADHD; Parkinson’s; Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, etc.);
    • Inflammatory Diseases (Crohn’s; Ulcerative Colitis; etc.).
    • Autoimmune Diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis; Lupus; Multiple Sclerosis; Fibromyalgia; Migraines; Arthritis; Chronic Pain);
    • Asthma.
    • Allergies.
    • Accelerated ageing.
  • The role of Diet as an initiator of “Silent Inflammation” is extremely important. Some of the symptoms are:
    • Overweight.
    • High Cholesterol.
    • High Blood Pressure.
    • Groggy upon waking.
    • Prone to stress.
    • Carbohydrate Cravings.
    • Fatigue.
    • Hungry 2 hours after dinner.
    • Brittle fingernails, or
    • Any chronic condition.
  • if a condition ends in “it is” – it simply means that inflammation is present and will inevitably also involve the presence of AA – the source of “Silent Inflammation”. For instance:
    • Arthritis – Joints
    • Encephalitis – Brain
    • Pancreatitis – Pancreas
    • Hepatitis – Liver
    • Meningitis – Brain
    • Bronchitis – Lungs
    • Colitis – Colon
    • Gastritis – Stomach
  • With the onset of the increase in the consumption of Omega-6 fatty acids (vegetable and grains), there has been a 250% increase in the development of Neurological Disorders.
    • The underlying cause of chronic disease comes from the production of arachidonic acid (AA), which is directly linked to one’s diet.
    • The problem with having “silent inflammation” is that Cortisol is constantly being secreted and this is responsible for killing neural cells connected with brain functioning, memory, and learning. The problem with this is that both Heart and Nerve cells have extremely limited regeneration capacity.
    • Neurons that display insulin resistance are potent stimulators of amyloid plaque production in the Brain, which in turn causes an inflammatory response which worsens any neurological condition as the nerve cells in the Brain are attacked.
    • Because of the complexity of neurological function, the brain is very sensitive to silent inflammation. Since the brain has no pain receptors, inflammation on the brain could result in a neural arch reflex – causing pain in other parts of the body that appear to be unrelated to the condition at hand, thanks to the polyvagal system. In other words, in many instances a person will have no idea that their brain or nerve system is under attack until it is often too late. In these instances, although the condition cannot be reversed, the degenerative progression can at least be slowed down.
    • The severity of neurological conditions has a direct link to the level of silent inflammation as shown with their “AA/EPA” readings.
    • Fish oil consumption is estimated at being only 5% of what it was 100 years ago, whilst the consumption of pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fats have increased considerably, in addition to an increase in insulin levels that have come about as a result of a dramatic increase in sugar consumption.

Heart Health / Risk
As far as specific heart health benefits, the omega-3s EPA and DHA have been shown to lower blood triglyceride levels and blood pressure. They also stabilize the heart’s electrical system and quiet down the body’s inflammatory response, allowing it to recover from an initial inflammatory insult more quickly. Further, they reduce the chances of inappropriate blood clots forming and make the blood vessels less stiff and more flexible, which helps facilitate normal blood flow to the tissues.

But one of the most common questions about omega-3s is: Do they lower cholesterol? The simple answer is no; they don’t lower cholesterol. This is a popular misconception. Although both triglycerides and cholesterol are blood fats, omega-3s have only been shown to impact the former. the Omega-3 Index is a risk factor that holds more importance for heart health than cholesterol.

Healthy blood flow, healthy triglyceride levels normal heart rhythm healthy blood pressure levels.

Eye Health
The evidence is strong when it comes to omega-3s and eyesight: the overall wellness of the latter is heavily dependent on the maintaining healthy levels of the former. Studies show that getting enough omega-3s is key to their benefits for eye health. So can you determine the how much omega-3 you are taking in? An Omega-3 Index Test is an easy way to see how your levels stack up.

Getting enough omega-3 as determined by an Omega-3 Index test can help keep your eyes feeling healthy and lubricated, while at the same time keeping debilitating eye health issues at bay.

Eye lubrication linked to eye disease – reduce growth of abnormal blood vessels that occur in age-related macular degeneration and other retinal diseases. – Eye Development During Pregnancy and Infancy

Brain Health
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that regulate your brain’s structure and ability to perform. And omega-3s EPA and DHA in particular are known to play specific roles in the structure and function of the brain, from the beginning of life to the end.

About 60% of the brain is made up of fat. By far the most prominent fat in the brain is the omega-3 DHA. Research has shown that this important omega-3 fat can hang around for more than two-and-half years before it is replaced by new DHA in the brain.

  1. DHA is an actual physical part of the nerves and membranes in the brain.
  2. DHA is an actual physical part of the nerves and membranes in the brain. It accumulates at the synapses in the brain where nerve cells communicate with one another.
  3. It is converted to a compound called “neuroprotection D1,” which acts as an antioxidant to help maintain and protect the health of brain cells.

Cognitive function, memory, mood, focus….

Ageing / Longevity
live longer, healthier lives

Supporting bone and joint health, as well as mood and cognitive function, fighting inflammation and infections, and reducing the symptoms of heart disease are all major issues affecting aging individuals.

Red blood cell, EPA & DHA – larger brain volume = younger brain. Increased cognitive function.

Hippocampus requires omega 3 –

Executive function – maximised….

Breast feeding and Pregnancy
Pregnancy puts a lot of demands on moms, including transferring important nutrients to your growing baby. Testing your nutritional status regularly will tell you if your diet is delivering enough of the right nutrients like omega-3s and vitamin D. Optimal levels of these nutrients are linked to:

Consuming the right amount of DHA during pregnancy may reduce the risk of preterm birth. Additionally, adequate DHA during gestation is associated with a reduced risk of postpartum depression.